
Senin, 11 Juni 2012

WEUI V1.0 MIUI Theme - Rom for Galaxy young

WeUI ROM v1.0 MiUI Themed Custom ROM for Galaxy Y


+ Fast, Stable
+ Deodexed APKs; Reindexed
+ Zipaligned; Batch Optimized
+ Superuser Access; Busybox Support
+ Supports Dartktremor's A2sd; Init.d scripts
+ Compatible with V6 Supercharger
+ Quick Settings; 14 Toggles by lidroid rom
+ swype to remove notification
+ new status bar like MIUI rom's
+ QQlaucher as default
+ new file browser
+ new taskmanager
+ new messager
+ new dailer
+ new contacts
+ playstore
+ new deskclock
+ MIUI alaram,natification & UI sounds
+ new lock screen
+ new theme
+ MIUI music player and more stuffs from MIUI rom
Backup your important Data first before using this ROM.

--Boot into Recovery using 3 button combo
--wipe data/factory reset
--wipe cache partition
--do a dalvik cache
--apply update from sdcard
--Install WeUi v1.0 from SDCARD

WEUI Rom V1.0

* Signal icon fixed
* deskclock fixed
* new semi-transperant UI
* new bootscreen ( thakzz to evanlocked )
* more stable
* 14 toggles

Download Rom update v1.2
Update WeUI Rom V1.2


Download link for WeUI v2.0 : HERE

its an update for my previous release WeUI v1.0

you should install v1.0 before applying this update

--swype to remove notification
--new status bar like MIUI rom's
--QQlaucher as default
--new file browser
--new taskmanager ( creadits goes to killer3d )
--new messager
--new dailer
--new contacts
--new deskclock
--MIUI alaram,natification & UI sounds
--new lock screen
--new theme
--MIUI music player and more stuffs from MIUI rom


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